What a parasite this bloke is. If there were a rat hierarchy he’d be the king.
What a snivelling little pathetic piece of shit he is. His constant smarmy and “I’m better than you” attitude sums up what his life is about really. Wafting along on an air of self importance, letting everyone else know that you’re so much better than them.
Firstly, he’s a former newspaper editor (of 2 different newspapers I may add), making him one of the most vile people in Britain. These people scrabble around looking for dirt on other “celebrities” to feed their own ego’s and make themselves feel better about their own pathetic lives.
Whilst at “The Mirror” he was found guilty for breaching the code of conduct on financial journalism by the Press Complaints Commission, when he used his position at The Mirror newspaper to buy £67,000 of shares in his wife’s name. Two other employees, who ran the financial section of the paper, were also found guilty and promptly fired. Mr Morgan however got off scot free, and continued his reign as editor of the newspaper. Arsehole.
Then if course he deliberately prints pictures of the British Army abusing Iraqi prisoners, which of course then turn out to be fake. This has quite obviously been done to feed his own sense of importance and self worth. He is promptly sacked from the newspaper. A good thing you may think? Unfortunately not. This has led to him landing a series of prime time lucrative jobs including his own chat show, in which his main aim is to make people tell the most intimate details of their lives and then break down crying. We most know him though from seeing his little rat shit face on “Britain’s Got Talent” in which he is one of the judges. I find this to be slightly rich, as he basically has the talent of a sewer rat, scuttling around everyone else’s shit, looking for a few scraps to feed on.
But I suppose there is some justice in the world. Take this quote for example…
"THE makers promise it will never fall over... So even George Bush should be able to use the Segway personal two-wheel transporter without tumbling off. After all, it's kept upright by some of the most sophisticated gyroscopes known to man, linked to a series of computers to detect the slightest movement.
But if anyone can make a pig's ear of riding a sophisticated, self-balancing machine like this, Dubya can. The President climbed on, stumbled a bit, then crashed off the other side - before it had actually gone anywhere. And this is the man who used to fly fighter planes.
Of course he’s then broken the golden rule. If you insult someone for failing at something, never try that thing yourself, just in case you make yourself look like an idiot. Morgan used a Segway when in the US; he went scooting off on it, promptly fell off and broke 3 of his ribs. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy eh? And just to rub salt into the wound. It was all caught on camera. I have provided the link below. Enjoy!
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